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Color Us Bad:  The BAD CATS Learn About Colors by Brad Skafish

Color Us Bad: The BAD CATS Learn About Colors

by Brad Skafish

20 pages
The BAD CATS get into trouble while learning about colors!

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Children
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About the Book
Color Us Bad: The BAD CATS Learn About Colors is the introductory book in the BAD CATS! series.

Two enterprising but mischievous young felines, Iggy and Mick, flee the coup and depart for adventure. Whether commandeering a motorcycle, foiling the local authorities, or continuing their hunt for the elusive brown mouse, they are certain to make children giggle with delight!

Amusement isn’t all the BAD CATS offer though, as their hijinks are the perfect vehicle to teach young kids about all of the colors of the rainbow. The illustrations are fun and fascinating, and the names of the colors are coordinated in the text for easy identification.

The BAD CATS stress learning through fun, rather than text-book formality, so kids will want their parents to read the story again and again. Look for future installments when the BAD CATS discover shapes, letters, numbers, and the rest of the world around them!


Color Us Bad, which is colorfully illustrated by former La Porte resident Erin Wainscott, follows Iggy and Mick one day when they sneak out of the house on an adventure. Along the way they experience the variety of colors that exist in the outside world. Eventually they find their way home, safely tucked into their green and blue bed and "dreaming of bad-catting." … Look for Iggy and Mick to continue to help children "learn through having fun" when the felines discover numbers, letters, shapes and more.
- Rob Earnshaw, The NWI Times


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About the Author
Brad Skafish is a rock'n'roll musician and trial lawyer in Chicago. More importantly, he is a father who knows how valuable a great book can be to teaching and entertaining youngsters.



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