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Midnight Tango by Edward Fotheringill

Midnight Tango

by Edward Fotheringill

180 pages
A mystical, excommunicated priest searches for a missing friend.

Paperback $17.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
Dick Byron is back! In this sequel to Lanterns in the Mist, the mystical, excommunicated priest is tracking the whereabouts of a friend, Jacob Frobisher, who has gone missing. Byron's odyssey is both geographic and spiritual as he navigates his way through the northeast United States, visiting the strange, iconoclastic friends with whom Jacob has confided in the past.

The journey culminates in the surreal coastal desert of Baja, Mexico where the distinctions between life and death, and good and evil, become a psychological and ethical blur.


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About the Author
Edward Fotheringill Edward Fotheringill writes philosophically provocative novels. He teaches philosophy and intellectual history at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland. Other books by Ed Fotheringill include: Lanterns in the Mist, A Snowy Night On Old Baldy Mountain, Anaximander's Annex, Darkness Withdrawn or The Eclipse of Nietzsche's Shadow and Halfmoon Confidential.



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