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Great Customer Connections: Simple Psychological Techniques that Guarantee Exceptional Service by Richard Gallagher

Great Customer Connections: Simple Psychological Techniques that Guarantee Exceptional Service

by Richard Gallagher

252 pages
How to handle any customer situation, using tips from psychology.

Paperback $23.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Business:Communications
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About the Book
Excellent customer service isn’t just an attitude: it is a science, based on known principles of psychology, which dramatically changes how you interact with the people.

This groundbreaking book combines research and practice in a bold new approach that will supercharge your customer relationships, your career, and your life. Step by step, Great Customer Connections will show you how to:

• Connect immediately with customers from the moment you meet.
• Tell people anything without getting them upset.
• Learn the secret phrases that always make customers feel great.
• Strike the word “no” permanently from your vocabulary.
• Become a human “bomb squad” capable of defusing any crisis.
• Take command when people are talkative, scattered, demanding and more.
• Instantly “speak the language” of each customer’s unique personality.

This book will fundamentally change the way you work with the public, with a proven approach that will dramatically improve the service quality, morale and turnover of any customer contact organization.


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About the Author
Richard S. Gallagher is one of the nation’s leading experts on communications skills. His other books include What to Say to a Porcupine, a national #1 customer service bestseller, and How to Tell Anyone Anything. He has trained over 15,000 people in customer contact organizations of all sizes.



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