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The Perfect Company: A Simple Four-Step Process for Creating a High-Performance Workplace by Richard S. Gallagher

The Perfect Company: A Simple Four-Step Process for Creating a High-Performance Workplace

by Richard S. Gallagher

128 pages
A fable about creating high performance by thinking like children.

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Category: Business
About the Book

Set within a fictitious children's software company, The Perfect Company looks at a new way to get the very best out of your team - by thinking more like children! It provides a surprisingly effective game plan for how to create high performance and high morale in your own workplace.

Based around the real-world best practices of leading organizations, The Perfect Company looks at four secrets of sustainable high performance - teamwork, coaching, performance measurement and communications - in ways that most people never imagine. The result is a level of self-sustaining performance that no amount of management-as-usual will ever duplicate.

Whether you purchase this book for your management team, or have bestselling business author and speaker Rich Gallagher deliver a live on-site workshop for your organization, The Perfect Company represents one of the best investments you can make in your own workplace performance!

Book synopsis

The Perfect Company is a successful growth business named after its founder Steven Perfect, whose name has grown to become its mission as well. And for Tom Barnham and Kathy Wong, beleaguered managers at nearby PeopleFirst Software, a visit to The Perfect Company helps them see their problems in a light that they have never seen them before - one that ultimately transforms the morale and performance of their organization.

At The Perfect Company, Tom and Kathy discover four secrets that drive their operations: Perfect Teamwork, Perfect Coaching, Perfect Performance, and Perfect Communications. But they also learn the core value that is central to its business as a children's software publisher - think like a child - a principle that ultimately affects Tom and Kathy's company in ways that they never imagined.

This simple but powerful story will teach you the real secrets of creating a high-performance organization, by unlocking your own team's motivation to build self-sustaining levels of success that no amount of rules or policies will ever create. Based on the real life best practices of leading organizations worldwide, The Perfect Company represents a clear game plan to create your own perfect company, in organizations of any size.


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About the Author
Rich Gallagher is a critically acclaimed author of numerous books on business and management topics, including two book club selections. An experienced customer service executive and corporate trainer, he has been called "one of the founding fathers of modern customer support" by one of its leading professional societies.



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