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Mind Travel by Michael Pauszek

Mind Travel

by Michael Pauszek

316 pages
Mind Travel explores the history of man hidden in the human genome.

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Category: Fiction:Historical
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About the Book
How do I know things I've never experienced?
Why do I react to stress differently than others?
Are character traits inherited like eye color?

In Mind Travel, the answer to these questions are explored beginning with the teaching of Socrates.

Building on the mescaline research of the Nazis at Dachua, a son of the Third Reich uses mescaline to search the memories of descendants of historic icons, seeking clues to lost ancient riches. His goal, to create a Fourth Reich.

Curt Kolber and his Med team are drawn into the plot and are challenged to protect history.

The result, ancient and modern tales laced with threads of historic fact, are interwoven into a ride through the history of man hidden in the chromosomes of mankind.

Time travel isn't possible but travel back into the mind or Mind Travel influences all of human behavior.


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About the Author
Michael Pauszek Michael Pauszek is a husband, father, grandfather and practicing physician. When not writing he spends his time chasing grandchildren and enjoying rural Indiana.



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