THE SOUL OF OSTEOPATHY: The Place of Mind in Early Osteopathic Life Science - Includes reprints of Coues' Biogen and Hoffman's Esoteric Osteopathy
by Zachary Comeaux
164 pages
A re-presentation of the history of body-mind-spirit philosophy in osteopathic practice
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Category: Health:Medicine:Alternative Medicine
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About the Book
The integration of body-mind-spirit in health care is not new. Dr. Still made reference to it several times and later used the word Biogen to represent the complexity of living organisms.
Evidently Elliot Coues, frontier army surgeon and naturalist, was responsible for the tract from which A.T. Still., founder of Osteopathy, derived the term Biogen. Osteopathy, always has dealt with the anatomy of the patient, but also their psychological and spiritual side. Adopting the term Biogen was Stills attempts to express this complex union. This book provides the reader with access to the original text, with a researched preface for historical perspective.
Esoteric Osteopathy by Herbert Hoffman was circulating during the life of Still. Heavily influenced by Vedantic thought, it guides the hand, directed by the Mind to work with the body. Where did these ideas come from? Did Dr. Still sanction such expression? This book reprints the original text while discussing this and related issues in a researched introduction.
Epigenetic Noetic Virus is an informed but playful discussion of the relationship of biophysics and philosophy in our current age of genetic deterministic thought. It complements the other two works; all revisit the perennial vitalist/materialist discussion in philosophy and biology, reframed for three thousand years in language pertinent to each generation.
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About the Author |
Zachary Comeaux DO (US) is an international speaker and author whose background in philosophy, physics, and theology finds expression in texts such as Harmonic Healing and Robert Fulford DO and the Philosopher Physician along with more free spirited novels including Fire on the Prairie and The Healers Heart. |