Finding JOY Amidst the Chaos
by Nancy Rosenfeld
60 pages
Discover unique definitions of JOY to apply ALL the time!
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About the Book
Finding JOY Amidst the Chaos
A guide to expand your unique definition of Joy and live it ALL the time.
To create our unique path to a place of feeling joy when amidst life’s challenges, we must be able to easily find a positive state of being, supported with a focused plan to translate inspired thinking into real living. Using a step-by-step process, creative personal examples, and intuitive awareness, we join national speaker and author Nancy Rosenfeld Daly, MBA, in reaching out to find the path that is authentically joyful.
When chaos from a multitude of life events cascaded down, this business strategist, artist and intuitive listener, created a series of questions to lead her out of the downward spiral into a place of calm, focused clarity. Now we can discover and live our unique definition of joy with a deeper understanding, through a thoughtful, inspiring and “ready-to-implement” process.
Just giving ourselves the gift of time to think about what brings us joy, with a guided process, is a luxurious treat that this analytical and intuitive expert offers us. And when deep, knowingness to personal joy is quickly and easily in the front of our mind, we are more likely to act on it and bring it into our lives, whether at work, in relationships, with hobbies, kids, travel, health, financial or other challenging life events.
Sit back, think big, and dive into these tools to quickly find positive roads to peaceful and passionate living, no matter what the situation.
“I am greatly inspired by people like you as I contemplate the next twist or turn in my own journey. Your book is excellent!” D.J., not-for-profit executive, Washington, DC
“It was as if you gave me permission to feel okay about my desire to do something as irresponsible as pursue my dream! To see the journey with real life examples made it not only okay, but joyful. Thank you for that little push that let me see the way. What you do is important and I look forward to thanking you in person one day. J.M., Missouri
“I have grown so much by reading your books and participating in the programs you have done. I'm taking better care of myself and feel so grateful for that. Thank you for the expanded joy!” M.B., community leader, Florida
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About the Author |
Nancy Rosenfeld Daly, MBA, consultant, speaker, and author of internationally published A Left-Brain Thinker On a Right-Brain Journey, transformed from a structured CFO and strategic planning consultant, into a guide and interpreter for applying intelligence, creativity and intuitive listening to heartfelt living, with a process and plan to get there. |