A Left-Brain Thinker On a Right-Brain Journey
by Nancy R. Daly
184 pages
Provocative story that breaks thinking patterns to empower life-changing decisions.
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Category: Self Help
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About the Book
Nancy Daly’s
newest book offers unique formulas for attaining transformational,
life-changing goals. This MBA and former CFO applied business-planning
tools to herself as an experiment to explore her inner purpose and
passions. The result was much bigger than she ever bargained for.
Not only does Daly share her candid case study with humor and skill;
she offers unique perspectives, questions, tools and examples of
breakthrough change and passion-filled results.
Daly’s unusual journey will take you through initial preparations
and reactions to major change, with processes for identifying deep
motivators and desires. She will capture your attention with metaphors
and teachings from Indian culture, and honest and revealing personal
thoughts and fears. Nancy redefines analytical tools as personal
decision support systems, and discovers the hidden power of intuition
and inner guidance. At every step in this intriguing story, she
pauses for you to apply her steps to your own personal situation
and journey. What do others say about such an unusual synthesis
of skill and honesty?
“Nancy Daly’s journey of personal transformation should resonate
with anyone who has ever wondered what it takes to seek out and
manifest their higher purpose in life. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing
with us your analytical tools, valuable insights, and profound passion
to make a difference!” Burt Woolf, President, Center for Quality
of Life.
"As all of us reach inevitable thresholds, Nancy Daly, through her
story, takes us by the hand to recognize them. With that awareness,
she demonstrates that by following our passions we can find a comfortable
balance between intuition and organized design to a deeper meaning
in our lives." Robert W. Elliott, Executive Director of the New
York Planning Federation and Past President of the New York Conference
of Mayors.
“Nancy’s sharing of her transformative journey gives us the courage
and skills to persevere with our own path toward greater fulfillment
and purpose.” Dr. Marilyn Balcombe, Ph.D., Organizational Psychology.
While reading this book, you will be swept away with possibilities
and tangible methods for identifying and fulfilling your highest
goals and passions. When you finish reading, you are equipped with
tools and examples to begin a focused, passion-filled plan for living
with greater purpose, higher energy and deeper joy.
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About the Author |
Nancy Daly is an award-winning business strategist, consultant and speaker on transformational change. National clients seek her facilitation of breakthrough change with her unique combination of analytical intelligence and creative intuition. This former CFO lives in Florida with husband, son, dog, ocean, art and a newfound passion for living. |