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Snailsworth, a slow little story by Tina Field Howe

Snailsworth, a slow little story

by Tina Field Howe

24 pages
A tiny snail takes a nighttime journey of discovery!

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Children
About the Book
The theme of this story is “believe in yourself”. Follow Snailsworth on a nighttime journey of discovery (and self-discovery). Snailsworth learns many things as she glides through the ivy and up the garden gate. She may be small, but she can still think for herself, despite protests from those who would prefer to do her thinking for her. There are also some who would do her harm, but Snailsworth is too smart for them, too! At the end of Snailsworth’s journey is a nice surprise for both her and the reader.

Tina Field Howe’s colorful illustrations, active story telling, dialog and accompanying rhyming poetry is an adventure to be shared between young ones and their adults. Children ages 3 and up will grow into this adventure.


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About the Author
Tina Field Howe Tina Field Howe lives in Corning, NY. Inspiration for the prose, poetry and artwork in Snailsworth came to her one evening as she sat on her back steps. There really is a stone path, patch of ivy and garden gate right next to her steps!



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