Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership - Revised and Extended Second Edition
by Kevin Unruh
124 pages
Ethics, Reason, & Excellence: A Simple Formula for Leadership (Revised and Extended Second Edition) distills these three leadership principles into fluid and easy to understand language in short chapters that get right to the point.
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About the Book
The title speaks for itself. Ethics, Reason, & Excellence very effectively delivers a unifying and universal perspective on leadership based on keen observations of human nature, insightful applications of human psychology, and an astute examination of three foundational principles that are certain to transform any manager into a successful leader.
This book is a revised and extended second edition that includes significant additions in the areas of communications, leadership aptitude and recruitment, and leadership psychology.
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About the Author |
Kevin Unruh loves philosophy, the law, art, animals, the study of human behavior, and most everything else. He does a lot of unnecessary landscaping at home, is owned by a cat, talks to every dog he meets, is an introvert with extroverted tendencies, and sometimes he writes. |