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Love: The Greatest Force in The Wonderment of The Human Experience by Kevin Unruh

Love: The Greatest Force in The Wonderment of The Human Experience

by Kevin Unruh

54 pages
This book was written to pay tribute to the most powerful of all human acts and emotions, to remind us of the power of love, and to serve as a physical gift to be given to anyone that you love.

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About the Book
Love: The Greatest Force in the Wonderment of the Human Experience is three things: an homage, a reminder, and a gift.

This book was written to pay tribute to the most powerful of all human acts and emotions, to remind us of the power of love – a power that we all have access to every day of our lives – and to serve as a physical gift to be given to anyone that you love.

Love takes many forms and is expressed in many different ways. This book is for anyone that you love: partner, spouse, friend, or family member. It is a collection of short chapters, past and present quotations, and includes sections in which you can write your own expressions of love and gratitude for the person to whom you give this book. It is also designed specifically to help those who sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves with respect to feelings of love.

We humans are a powerful species and love is our secret weapon, our most beautiful language, and our greatest gift. This book is intended to remind us of the many wonderful things love is and of all that it can do.


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About the Author
Kevin Unruh is a philosopher, a full-time romantic in every sense of the word, an idealist crossed with a realist and is obsessed with all things beautiful.



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