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Sugar Baby by K.E. Pottie

Sugar Baby

by K.E. Pottie

510 pages
Their 22nd mission was top secret and could change the course of the war in Europe.

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Category: Fiction:Historical:World War Two
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About the Book
It's 1945 and the allies want to end the war with the Nazis.

The crew of Sugar Baby are given a top-secret mission that could force Germany to surrender and end the most devastating war in history.

Post war repercussions of that secret mission create a new nemesis for Department 7. Jack and Emily Turner must now decode those secrets and stop another world war.


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  • Mountains of Fire by K.E. Pottie
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About the Author
Ken is the award-winning author of The Code Name Series of books. The series is based on his father’s experiences behind enemy lines in World War II.



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