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Weak Strength by Debra Colby

Weak Strength

by Debra Colby

524 pages
After surviving a lifetime of abuse, Anna Madison, and her daughter Meg, are starting a new life filled with promise and hope. But their dreams are threatened by the eventual destruction of their home.

Paperback $25.00   + $10.93 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Fiction
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About the Book
After surviving a lifetime of abuse, Anna Madison, and her daughter Meg, are starting a new life filled with promise and hope.

Having realized their dreams of building a safe home for abandoned and abused children, they now find themselves facing the eventuality of it being destroyed.

But the sudden, unexpected appearance of an arrival from Anna’s childhood, provides them with the assurances needed to save their home, as well as the tools needed to destroy the person responsible for the years of violence they endured.

To accomplish that though, Anna and Meg must resort to using the same manipulation and abuse tactics wielded by their tormentor. It’s a task that questions whether their need for vengeance is stronger than their desire to leave the past behind.


Related Titles
  • I Heard You: A Collection of Life's Truths by Debra Colby
    Much like a photograph, a story can capture the snapshot of life's twists and turns by one defining moment. We have no idea which road our lives will take us on, we can only travel it and see where it will lead us.
  • 7 Days by Debra Colby
    Kate Morgan waits for her mother, Meg Madison to return. She hates and loves her mother in equal measures. It takes only seven days to unravel the fragile threads that held their family together.


About the Author
Debra Colby Debra Colby lives in Maine. Weak Strength is the follow-up book to Debra’s first novel, 7 Days. Debra is an accomplished essayist and poet whose works have been featured in literary compilations, and state competitions. Her fictional short stories have appeared in national and state publications.



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