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The Wandering Widow: A curious woman takes on the world by Andrea Granahan

The Wandering Widow: A curious woman takes on the world

by Andrea Granahan

402 pages
A curious widow explores cultures around the world. How do others solve life's basic problems: courtship, raising kids, caring for the helpless? She is eager to learn.

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About the Book
Andrea Granahan was a wife, a mother, a journalist, a teacher, and a publisher for over thirty years when she was widowed. She picked up her pen, began traveling and became an award winning travel writer. She and her family had lived in Greece and traveled extensively in Mexico. She had developed an intense curiosity about how other cultures solved basic problems in life. She visited many cultures and met many people. The Wandering Widow captures many of these adventures from getting mugged in Belize to dancing with a family on an island in Lake Titicaca. From Africa to Bali, from Cape Horn to Paris have a taste of the world.


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About the Author
Andrea Granahan Andrea Granahan was a wife, a mother, a journalist, a teacher, and a publisher for over thirty years when she was widowed. She picked up her pen, began traveling and became an award winning travel writer.



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