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Loving David by Andrea Granahan

Loving David

by Andrea Granahan

277 pages
This is about a man's epic love story and his courage as he faced death with the help of his family.

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Category: Memoir
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About the Book
When Andrea and David Granahan first met, she was 17 and on her way to get a marriage license with her first husband. David and the husband were roommates at an Airforce base where they both played in the Airforce band. He was engaged to his first wife, but fell head over heels for Andrea. Five years later, while he was in graduate school at an Ivy League University and had established himself as a sculptor, the couple began their life together with Andrea’s two children, and eventually they had a third. Their life took them from Maine to Maryland to a Greek island, and eventually to California where with two hammers and a hand saw they built their home. Their decades of love and challenges finally ended up with David facing brain cancer. This book is about their love and David’s courage as he faces his impending death.


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About the Author
Andrea Granahan is the author of three previous books. She was an award-winning investigative journalist and is a travel writer. She lives in northern California. For years she published a weekly newspaper. She was married to David Granahan 34 years until his death in 1998.



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