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It's Greek to Me by Andrea Granahan

It's Greek to Me

by Andrea Granahan

358 pages
Hilarious, touching account of an American family in rural Greece.

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Category: Travel
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About the Book
In 1967 a young American sculptor and his family booked passage on a freight ship and moved to Greece, long before there was a European Union or Euros and the drachma was still the currency.
This is the story of the family’s pivotal years first in the mountain villages of the Peloponnesus and then on the island of Paros in the Cyclades. The rural Greeks embraced the family and the family embraced the Greeks’ simple way of life, with hilarious and harrowing moments along the way.

Life was so basic everyone knew how many jars they owned because each one had its use, and your food was local because there was only one boat delivery a week.

The family learned such things as why it was a scandal that the mayor of Kalamata had no ears, what Cross-Eyed Nikos did on his day off, how to kill an octopus, and how to celebrate a Name Day.

The Greeks knew how to work hard and celebrate wholeheartedly. Not a wealthy country, Greece was very rich not just in history but in daily enjoyment of life.


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About the Author
Andrea Granahan Andrea Granahan has been an award winning journalist, publisher and travel writer for over 30 years. She makes her home in a redwood forest near the town of Bodega in northern California. For some years she published The Bodega Bay Navigator, a weekly newspaper on the California coast.



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