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The Echo of Breath: One Breath. One Life. One Planet. by Jo Singel

The Echo of Breath: One Breath. One Life. One Planet.

by Jo Singel

140 pages
The material presented in this book is a call to action and a rationale for a new leadership paradigm to emerge and one that addresses the current reality as well as the future one. It provides the rationale, background and scope of systemic transformation needed for leading the world forward.

Paperback $15.99   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Education:Leadership
About the Book
In a world focused on a combination of health issues (the COVID-19 pandemic) and politically oriented problems (social unrest relating to racial inequities and systemic racism) it is both essential and important that thoughtful solutions are provided. "The Echo of Breath” offers up relevant answers to the primary question regarding “what can we do” to make a better world for ourselves, families, communities, organizations and institutions.

The answer starts and ends with consciousness and how it impacts each of us every day of our life. This call to action implores all of us to take our head out of the sand and support the actions required to take us to a new level of enhanced consciousness, a level that will address existing and future problems. In a world immersed in survival mode, the book provides a roadmap and the needed development to implement what is required. It is an urgent message as well as a hopeful one.

Everything begins with consciousness. Without it we are just stumbling through life in a reactive mode, instead of being proactive in addressing our problems.

This book offers up numerous conversations between the main characters who have a vested interest in creating answers to the overriding questions of our time. What is known may no longer be relevant, what is unknown is the opportunity for greater possibilities for all.


Related Titles
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About the Author
A conscious revolutionary who takes nothing for granted in her quest for creating a more aware world. Jo’s passion and devotion to problem-solving has been acknowledged by those who know her. Her relentless pursuit of the betterment of the world has driven her throughout her life.

As an entrepreneur, corporate executive, educator, author and business advisor she strives to bring the best and latest science on human behavior and potential from respected thought-leaders and blend them with her pragmatic approach for generating solutions to complex social, business and global challenges.



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