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VOICE VERSA: A lifetime of poetry by Martin A. David

VOICE VERSA: A lifetime of poetry

by Martin A. David

208 pages
Voice Versa is a powerful collection of more than 200 poems by Martin A. David, ranging from 1959 to 2019. The topics cover a wide scope of human experiences, emotions, and observations.

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Hardcover $28.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Poetry
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About the Book
Voice Versa is a powerful collection of more than 200 poems by Martin A. David, ranging from 1959 to 2019. The topics cover a wide scope of human experiences, emotions, and observations.

It is a kaleidoscopic flood of language, thoughts and visions; a writer’s journey from youth to maturity, from the gritty streets of New York, to Mexico, Europe and beyond. Simple visions of nature blend with painful images from a child’s memories of the holocaust. Love poems stand shyly besides flippant and sarcastic poems about breaking up. Again and again we hear our own pain and our own sweet experiences spoken in the poet’s voice, but in words that few of us could conjure up.

Martin A. David is a child of the Beat Generation whose literary horizons were permanently altered by the publication of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" in 1956. David's New York origins echo through the book. In fact, even the title Voice Versa has a deliberate New York joke to it—with voice being the stereotypical New York pronunciation of 'verse' and verse being the New York accent’s word for 'voice'.


“Prose that reads like poetry and poems at once dreamlike and eye-opening, the writing of Martin A. David is a joy and a treasure.”
- Lewis Segal, former staff Dance Critic, Los Angeles Times.


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About the Author
Martin A. David Martin A. David is the very definition of the overused, but seldom earned moniker "Renaissance Man." His history includes work as Journalist, educator, painter (he sold his first piece while still a teen), poet, dancer, choreographer, artist, editor, novelist, craftsman, jewelry designer, software engineer, cowboy, house painter, migrant worker, and factory worker.



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