A Pure and Contrite Heart
by Beryl Broekman
102 pages
"A Pure and Contrite Heart" explores various core traditions of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ, the Bible, Faith, etc. through energy readings. Making sense of the Christian religion through this modality, with often startling and unexpected perspectives, enriches our spiritual aspirations in ways that are impossible through normal channels.
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About the Book
A Pure and Contrite Heart brings a refreshing change to the ideology of Christianity. Through the unique ability of the author to communicate with energies on other planes of existence, we are taken on an exploration of diverse core traditions and personalities of the Christian religion, such as Jesus Christ, The Cross, The Pope, The Bible etc. and are able to hear from these energies in their own voices. These higher dimensional interpretations are often quite startling and unexpected and one would be hard pressed to believe that any human being could have come up with these perspectives in a personal capacity. Christianity has been inundated with myth, dogma, political and personal misrepresentation and it is about time that the energy of Christianity speaks for itself enabling us to see the religion for what it really is after stripping away unnecessary beliefs and traditions.
Beryl Broekman, energy healer and author of The Mystic Storyteller Series, states that all her books are written by accessing the energy field around each subject and asking the subject to explain itself to her. As she says, “I call these experiences energy readings. I write down what the subject tells me, word for word. In this way I get the real meaning and intention behind the word. It is almost like accessing a dictionary from another dimension which gives detailed explanations of the subject in a mystical yet practical way. The language is often lyrical and enchanting.”
A Pure and Contrite Heart will appeal to the person who would like to make sense of the Christian faith, who no longer sees the relevance of religion in our western society but sees the need for a belief system based on sense, rather than emotion. It is also of value to those who are interested in new perspectives on old ideas in the philosophy of life and are looking for new patterns of thinking to enrich their own spiritual aspirations. Those who thirst for a connection with the divine and are in need of healing wounds so deep that no cure seems available to them will find solace in each chapter as every word resonates with the vibration of higher dimensions. Reading the words automatically synchronizes our own energy field with those vibrations and promotes profound but gentle release from our own hurts. Atheists will also find the concepts intriguing and intellectually worth a visit simply because it is a take on religion that will appeal to their sense of taking responsibility for their own existence and not believing in the “follow the crowd” thinking that often goes hand in hand with ideology.
Each chapter can be read over and over again and readers are encouraged to use their own experiences and imagination to interpret the material.
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About the Author |
Beryl Broekman is an energy healer, and author of The Mystic Storyteller series. She has spent many years transcribing information from the unseen realms, making these unique perspectives accessible to the public through her books. She has extensive training in self-development and healing through the mind/body/spirit connection. |