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Outdoor Instruction: Teaching and Learning Concepts for Outdoor Instructors by Maurice L. Phipps, Stephanie L. Phipps and Chelsea E. Phipps

Outdoor Instruction: Teaching and Learning Concepts for Outdoor Instructors

by Maurice L. Phipps, Stephanie L. Phipps and Chelsea E. Phipps

208 pages
This book is intended for outdoor instructors and outdoor instructors in training. The art of teaching can be learned through observation and experience but is best anchored in the science of teaching. This book is intended to give the theoretical background needed for anyone teaching in the wild outdoors.

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About the Book
This book is intended for outdoor instructors and outdoor instructors in training. The skill of teaching is different to the skill of an outdoor activity though both sets of skills can complement each other. The art of teaching can be learned through observation and experience but is best anchored in the science of teaching. This book is intended to give the theoretical background needed for anyone teaching in the wild outdoors.

The book is useful for the following outdoor instructors:

Canoeing and kayaking
Climbing and mountaineering
Backpacking and camping
Environmental Education
Outdoor leadership training

The benefits to the readers are:
  • An understanding of educational theories pertinent to teaching and learning in the outdoors
  • Useful concepts that can improve any instructor’s teaching skills
  • An understanding of what may be working for instructors and what may not be working for them in their present teaching (and why).


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About the Author
Maurice Leonard Phipps Ph.D. has worked in public, non-profit and private agencies including universities, Bewerley Park Outdoor Center, The North Pennine Outdoor Pursuits Company Ltd., The Wilderness Education Association (for 26 years) as an instructor and board member, and Camp Merriewoode in North Carolina. He has taught in the US, the UK and Australia. He gained qualifications through the British Canoe Union (British Canoe Coach), the Australian Canoe Federation (Diploma Award) and the Wilderness Education Association (Instructor). He has received several teaching awards from Western Carolina University and three service awards from the Wilderness Education Association.

Stephanie Lee Phipps, B.A. M.A., and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, is a graduate of Queens University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. She formerly taught as a kayak instructor at the US National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC.

Chelsea Erin Phipps is pursuing a Master of Public Administration at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She earned her B.A. as a Morehead-Cain Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She attended Camp Merrie-Woode for several years, and then completed an Alaskan expedition course in 2009.



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