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The Catharsis of Form by Larry Levy

The Catharsis of Form

by Larry Levy

64 pages
Readers of traditional poetry who enjoy the sonnet, triolet, rondeau, sestina, and villanelle as well as ballads and modern forms of verse, will find solace in "The Catharsis of Form."

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Poetry
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About the Book
In his second volume, Larry Levy celebrates poetic creation with a variety of traditional and modern forms of verse. He deliberates about Art, Beauty, Love, Justice, Immortality and God, and finds consolation in the precise ordering of words on a page. As he says, “And when God gives such a generous knack/To the fortunate who worship and pray/For the aesthetic to come their way/It is only fair to give something back.” His catharsis becomes the reader's catharsis. And for those who demand meaning and substance from their poetry, “The Catharsis of Form” is a worthy example.


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  • Convoluted Whispers by Larry Levy
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  • Wait Awhile by Larry Levy
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  • When All Was Well In Wellwood by Larry Levy
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  • Still Well In Wellwood by Larry Levy
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About the Author
Larry Levy has written the words and music for The Histrioniks, The Thromboes, and Muskrat Simms. His music has been played on MTV, Sirius XM, and on independent and college radio stations. He is the author of “Convoluted Whispers”. His poetry has appeared in magazines, online, and in a poetry anthology. He teaches drums and lives in Baltimore with his wife and two cats.



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