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Convoluted Whispers by Larry Levy

Convoluted Whispers

by Larry Levy

66 pages
An introspective journey through the psychological and philosophical questioning of fear and insignificance, love and death, and the loss of youth. A humorous trip back to the innocence of sexual discovery, coming of age, and enlightenment, that resolves in the power of the kiss.

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Category: Poetry
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About the Book
In this debut volume, Larry Levy explores what keeps him up at night: fear, the loss of youth, and insignificance. His methodology is that of a psychoanalyst and sculptor. He chips away with unsettling but honest critiques of self and others, then adds form and shape to his introspective and external observations. His 'whispers' are those of the anxious and depressed, struggling to find meaning and relevance in a fickle and unforgiving world. Through stories and recollections of the past, he reveals his own coming of age with humor and raw sexuality.


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About the Author
Larry Levy has been teaching drums since 1995 to the rhythmically inquisitive. He has played in several bands including Square One, The Walkers, and The Swiv-o-matics. He began composing in 2004 and has written the words and music for all four Histrioniks' albums, The Thromboes, Muskrat Simms, as well as the music for four instrumental albums under the name, Instramentaclees. His poems "Garlic", "Should I Renew My Lease?", "Toward Solipsism", and "A Postmodern Dilemma" have appeared online, in magazines, and in an anthology of modern poetry. He lives in Baltimore with his wife and two cats.



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