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Seeds in the Wind - Book 2 by James D. Gutierrez

Seeds in the Wind - Book 2

by James D. Gutierrez

410 pages
This is a fictionalized autobiographical odyssey that’s basically a memoir.

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Category: Memoir
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About the Book
Book 2 consists of Part Three, THE BOOK. It’s a critique of everything imaginable in contemporary society, and organized from a collection of letters, essays, short stories, rhymes, editorials, proverbs and miscellaneous prose. There is something entertaining and/or mentally stimulating in here for everyone.

The speaker is the book itself – a former tree in the forest whose fate was to be logged, made into paper and assembled as a book, thereby gaining the desired opportunity to speak his mind to humans.

When Mister Book (Jahthra’s name for the speaker) is finished voicing his opinions, the narrative is once again taken over by Jahthra and Sprout as their story continues.

SEEDS IN THE WIND is one continuous story throughout the following three books:

Book 1 –
Part One: from “The Legends of Cinnabar”
Part Two: Jahthra’s Journal

Book 2 –
Part Three: The Book

Book 3 –
Part Four: The Plan
Part Five: The Concord Dance


Related Titles
  • Seeds in the Wind - Book 1 by James D. Gutierrez
    This is a fictionalized autobiographical odyssey that's basically a memoir.
  • Seeds in the Wind - Book 3 by James D. Gutierrez
    This trilogy is a fictionalized autobiographical odyssey that's basically a memoir. It was written by a college graduate and Army veteran who dropped out in 1970 to become a protester hermit, who then gradually evolved into a pursuer hermit. Simplicity is his maxim; peace and quiet, his solace.


About the Author
James D. Gutierrez is a retired hermit who recently had to join the 21st Century in order to publish SEEDS IN THE WIND.



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