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THE RIVER: A Collection of Short Stories by Stephen Jon Schares

THE RIVER: A Collection of Short Stories

by Stephen Jon Schares

234 pages
This collection of stories starts in one place, and ends up in another. In between are splices of what our lives are - humor, pathos, irony, sarcasm, insight, the brevity of life - all sides of the same coin. The things that bind us, just as often divide us.

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Category: Fiction:Humor
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About the Book
What is a story, if not a telling of the truth in one form or another? Fiction, maybe. Half-truths, possibly. Life is fact and fiction. Where do you draw the line?

Truth, fact, fiction - it all comes from that same place. That part of us, willing or unwilling, that finds a way out - that compels us to express in words our thoughts, feelings, experiences - for all the world to judge...or maybe just a few.

Whether the words, the stories, struggle to the surface, gasping for air, or take flight from our pens with barely an effort, we all start out the same - a blank piece of paper, an empty computer screen. And the gall to write it down - to type it - to press save.

This collection of stories starts in one place, and ends up in another. In between are splices of what our lives are - humor, pathos, irony, sarcasm, insight, the brevity of life - all sides of the same coin. The things that bind us, just as often divide us. It's up to the writer to connect the dots.


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About the Author
Stephen Jon Schares In addition to this collection of short stories, Stephen Schares has also published a children's novel and three books of poetry. He lives in San Diego with his wife and teenage twins. He is retired from teaching, but not from life.



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