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by Stephen Jon Schares

302 pages
The Old Lady in the Newspaper doesn't tell people what they want to hear. She tells them what they need to hear. Freda is her own woman. She is one of a kind, and proud of it. She tells it like it is-The World According to Freda. People living on the fringes of their minds now have a Messiah. Just not the one they hoped for.

Paperback $18.95   + $9.37 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Fiction:Humor
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About the Book
I write about the theatre of the absurd, of which there is no shortage of subjects or topics. This is a book steeped in satire. It is not for the feint of heart, or the humorless drones that plague our world. You know who you are.

Be forewarned. I don’t write like you do. Read the Disclaimer—This book does not contain political correctness.

The Old Lady doesn’t tell people what they want to hear. She tells them what they need to hear. If you have a problem with the Old Lady, take it up with her. But trust me, she doesn’t care.

Freda is her own woman. She is one of a kind, and proud of it. She tells it like it is—The World According to Freda. People living on the fringes of their minds now have a Messiah. Just not the one they hoped for.

As for me, I’m just the conduit. As any good writer knows, once you create a character, they take on a life of their own. I just try to keep up.

P.S. This book did not employ sensitivity readers.


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About the Author
Stephen Jon Schares In addition to this second novel, Stephen Schares has also published a collection of short stories and four books of poetry. An Iowa transplant, he lives the life of Riley (whoever that is) in San Diego with his wife and teenage twins.



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