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STOP BLAMING THE FISH: How YOU Affect Your Negotiated Outcomes by James J. Ranieri

STOP BLAMING THE FISH: How YOU Affect Your Negotiated Outcomes

by James J. Ranieri

120 pages
Stop Blaming the Fish creates awareness of their personality defaults.

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Category: Business
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About the Book
“Stop Blaming the Fish” awakens people to understand the self-defeating effects that some of their personality traits have on their negotiated outcomes. They then are guided to create mitigating behaviors to facilitate them to become a markedly improved negotiator. The people who we have read it realize which of and how their unconscious behaviors can impact their ability to negotiate and then are able to control them prescriptively to become successful and effective negotiators.


Related Title
  • Mindful Manipulation by James Ranieri
    How perception, expectation and behavior connect to create reality.


About the Author
James J. Ranieri James Ranieri is president and CEO of theNavigatorGroup. He was a sales and business executive with 40+ years of business experience. He is an adjunct professor at Muhlenberg College and Lehigh University, holds an engineering degree and an MBA, authored Mindful Manipulation and was an Air Force aviator.



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