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WATCHING ANTS by Arden G. Thompson


by Arden G. Thompson

234 pages
Poems in Watching Ants sing thoughts of students and teachers.

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Category: Writing:Creative Writing:Poetry
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About the Book
The poems in Watching Ants fall into two groups - poems from the hearts of students and those from teachers. That is why Watching Ants is divided into five sections alternating between student and teacher voices.

By far the greatest number of poems speak from the heart of the learner. That is why students relate to them so well; but so do adults, which makes the author suspect that the child we were is still very much alive in the “grown-up” we have become.

Over the years she has found that her poetry helps people understand complex thoughts in a fraction of the time that it takes them to comprehend the same thoughts expressed in multiple words. Painful thoughts can be expressed in very simple words with people accepting them as truth, because poetry reaches them not as words from an outsider but as words from a part of themselves – albeit a long forgotten part.

The artist holds up a picture frame and invites the observer or reader to enter themselves. Watching Ants will give teachers and parents an immediate and compelling way to talk directly with students using words immediately understood by all.

The poems in Watching Ants alternately sing the thoughts of students and teachers. The words are clear, penetrating, and immediately understandable by readers from eight to eighty. You understand because you have been there. The author is the singer, but these are your songs.


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About the Author
Arden G. Thompson Arden G. Thompson developed and taught gifted and talented programs in Maine public schools for 29 years. She taught the Microcosmos Strand at the University of Connecticut’s Confratute – an intense summer program attended by teachers of gifted and talented students from all over the world. Her poetry inspires all ages.



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