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Journey by Arden G. Thompson


by Arden G. Thompson

236 pages
Journey is for those who have searched for the meaning of life and their place in it. It is a record of a mystic’s journey.

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About the Book
Journey is for those who have searched for the meaning of life and their place in it. It is a record of a mystic’s journey.

Arden G. Thompson’s first book, Watching Ants, was published in 1989. Watching Ants was later followed by Commitment, A New Box of Crayons, Lines from Underground, Pass It On, and Cricket Songs.

Arden’s poetry continues to give words to the hopes, dreams, and fears of individuals of all ages from 6 to 96.


“Few writers are able to convey a concept as profoundly as Arden Thompson. She speaks Truth with clarity and grace that directly touches the heart and soul. “Journey” is a deeply spiritual, unapologetically human conversation with the Divine, a conversation familiar to all seekers of Truth and Light. The tone is one of wonder, gratitude and humility. There is connection, unity and presence. These are poems to which you will return time and time again whenever you want to remind yourself and those you love who you are and why you are here. “Journey” makes an excellent small group study for book clubs and church groups. As a yoga instructor, I often share Thompson’s poetry as part of meditation practice. Application and impact possibilities are unlimited.”
- Donna Griffin, M.A. Counseling, Kripalu Certified Instructor
“These poems will quiet you when the world feels loud. They’ll center you when you feel lost, but mostly, they’ll reassure you that we are all, in our own way, on the same journey to understand our place in this world.”
- Erin Lowell
“Readers will be impressed with the musical words playing throughout. Her internal conversation with the Divine allows one to feel the depth of her faith and her love of nature. You will be touched by her invitation to experience the ‘moment of grace’ as you are invited to embrace both the ‘terror and joy of NOWNESS!’ And above all you will come to understand why neither ‘frogs nor saints fear to die!’”
- Jim & Pat Francek, Fellow Travelers on this Journey


Related Titles
  • WATCHING ANTS by Arden G. Thompson
    Poems in Watching Ants sing thoughts of students and teachers.
  • Commitment by Arden G. Thompson
    Commitment’s collected poems sing love for Earth and her children.
  • A New Box of Crayons by Arden G. Thompson
    The book is a collection of poems for all ages.
  • LINES FROM UNDERGROUND by Arden G. Thompson
    The book is a collection of poems for all ages.
  • Pass It On by Arden G. Thompson
    Pass It On is a collection of poems written for readers of all ages about nature - human and other. The poems are understandable and meaningful to all. It will be particularly helpful to teachers of language arts and offers a solid foundation upon which to build an effective affective curriculum.
  • Cricket Songs by Arden G. Thompson
    Cricket Songs contains poems written for readers of all ages about learning and nature - human and other. The poems are understandable and meaningful to all. They will be particularly helpful to teachers of language arts and gifted and talented students and offer a solid foundation for an effective affective curriculum.


About the Author
Arden G. Thompson Arden G. Thompson developed and taught gifted and talented programs in Maine public schools for 29 years. She taught the Microcosmos Strand at the University of Connecticut’s Confratute – an intense summer program attended by teachers and parents of gifted students from all over the world. Her poetry inspires all ages.



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