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111 Ways To Save by Jill Russo Foster

111 Ways To Save

by Jill Russo Foster

88 pages
Money savings tips / ideas to help you save.

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Category: Business:Personal Finance and Investing
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About the Book
Jill has a passion for empowering people to understand and make informed choices that help them improve their finances. She is a National Speaker and Coach with the ability to explain many personal financial topics to her audience so that they can implement the information now.

If you want to tighten your budget and reduce spending, but don’t know where to start, stop waiting! Try any of these super easy cost-cutting tips to find extra cash in your wallet. The money saving tips are organized by category, so you can tackle each area of your life.

Savings can be found throughout our lives, but sometimes you need to have a suggestion to see it for yourself. These simple tips will help you to reduce your expenses. In addition, there are charts and lists to simplify your meal planning, travel packing lists, and more to help you plan ahead and save money.

Jill has been a banker, personnel recruiter, and mortgage broker, and has lived with salary, commission, and self-employment income streams and knows how to live and thrive. She has put together useful tips so you can do the same.

Many of these tips are easy to follow and they are things that we do in our daily lives. They have helped us reduce our spending.


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About the Author
Jill Russo Foster Jill Russo Foster has been a banker, personnel recruiter & mortgage broker and has lived with salary and self-employed income streams and knows how to live and thrive. She has put together tips so you can do the same. Jill is the Award Winning Author, Speak, and Financial Coach.



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