Diary Of An Imprisoned Mind
by Jennifer Orsak and Amy Lynn Hurley
70 pages
An illustrated story to increase dementia awareness and funding
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About the Book
Everyday most individuals awaken, plan their day, and start their routines with very little consideration for individuals who are starting a totally different day. These forgotten individuals awaken with only questions and silent pleas for help. They can neither plan their day nor carry out simple routines which allow them to enjoy life any longer. They often can no longer ask for help. These people are the individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia disorders. "Diary Of An Imprisoned Mind" is an illustrated story which hopefully will increase sympathy and awareness for this very sad disorder. Based on many years of professional and personal experiences with dementia, the author and illustrator have created a fictional character named Irene who wants to share her confusing day from her perspective with readers. Readers will find Irene floods her bathroom with water, shoves urine soiled clothing in her drawers, refuses to eat, packs her suitcase, tries to leave her residential home, mumbles odd phrases and curse words, and many other behaviors often exhibited by individuals struggling with dementia. By creating the story from Irene’s point of view, the author and illustrator are asking people to consider these individuals often have a reason for their behaviors. Their behaviors are triggered from confusion, delusions, and a desperate plea for help.
The author and illustrator have directed their royalties be sent to a charitable foundation which supports research for dementia disorders. Thus, with every purchased book, people like Irene may be a little closer to awakening one morning to a much different day; one with promise and possibilities. It is the author and illustrator’s hope that one day research, funded partially by this book, will be the key to unlocking imprisoned minds.
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About the Author |
Jennifer Orsak is a nurse and Amy Hurley is a dietician. Professionally, both have worked in long term care facilities and both have surveyed nursing homes for state agencies. Personally, Jennifer and Amy watched their mothers decline from a dementia disorder. They now work together to increase dementia awareness. |