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ABOUT WOMEN: Poems of Wonderment and Discovery & Perhaps Surprises and Confusion by Dennis Herrell

ABOUT WOMEN: Poems of Wonderment and Discovery & Perhaps Surprises and Confusion

by Dennis Herrell

156 pages
About Women is poetry about the wonderment of all women.

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Category: Poetry
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About the Book
Dennis Herrell believes that poetry is all around us. We see it, breathe it, touch it, hear it, and live it. He also believes that everyone has a poem in him or her. And he has seen a lot of poetry in the women in his life. Women in his family, as friends and more than friends, as neighbors and co-workers, and women everywhere he looks. Over the years Dennis has written many poems about this 50% of the human population. That wonderful subject seemed to be a natural for his first book. And he believes it will be of natural interest to both men and women. After all, we are all in this life together. So, "About Women" is a poetic collection of Dennis' observations, interactions, and relationships about the wonderment of women, as he wandered, and still wanders, through his life as a male and as a poet.


Dennis Herrell writes as both an observer and participant in this celebration of Women in their various roles: mother, grandmother daughter, worker, friend, lover, and more. He explores the gender difference. And viva la difference! He captures the delicious moments of heightened delight as well as the underlining poignancy of even the most trivial of daily rituals.
- Sims McCutchan, Retired Region Administrator, Houston Public Library
In the book “About Women”, Dennis Herrell's poems are as varied as the women (and men) who draw his attention. Surprises abound as the reader is gently lured into a poetic tour of Herrell's world of individuals, young and old, closely observed and clearly imagined.
- Margaret Culbertson – author (historical architecture), works with major museum research library
Dennis Herrell has been a regular contributor to Pennine Ink Magazine for many years. We rely on poets we’ve come to know – those whose standard is consistently high - and treasure our relationship with them. Dennis comes into this category and I have no hesitation in recommending this collection of his poetry, “About Women."
- Laura Sheridan, Editor, Pennine Ink Magazine
I finished "About Women" quite a while back, and I've been dilatory about writing you about it. Partly because it's hard to critique poetry beyond saying I really like it and think it's really good, both of which are true. The general poetic style is very congenial and pleasant to read. The subtle eroticism can be surprising, as at the ends of "Choice" and "Like". And not so subtle, as in "At Midnight". I love the pun in "Wife", and the surprise non-ending in "Collision". I can go on and on, seeing more that warrant comments as I leaf through again, but I hope the idea is conveyed: This is great stuff, and you are much to be congratulated.
- Jack Cargill – Published historical author, also an author of a poetry book and a historical novel. PhD, Ancient History, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Professor of Ancient History, Rutgers University.


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About the Author
Dennis Herrell has been a teacher, a sales rep, and antique dealer. He has been writing poetry for over forty years, and lives and writes in a historic bungalow in Houston, Texas. Dennis writes both serious and humorous poems about his life in this somewhat civilized society.



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