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Crossings by Mary H. La Croce


by Mary H. La Croce

162 pages
Poems seeking the meaning of the subtle presence underlying everything.

Paperback $39.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Poetry
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About the Book
These selected poems span my lifetime, the dark existential perceptions of my youth, that yield eventually to a sense of Presence.

The decision to superimpose them onto my photographs was meant to add another dimension, and, perhaps, create a new synergy of word and image.

Nothing can capture the great mysteries and this is a very humble attempt to recognize the veil that shields them.


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About the Author
Born and raised in New England, I have spent most of my adult life in the mid-Atlantic region working as a clinical social worker in private practice and with public agencies. I am now retired and living my husband and extended family.



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