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Panic Gate by Jason Michael Hiaeshutter

Panic Gate

by Jason Michael Hiaeshutter

490 pages
When the portal to Hell is at your back, RUN!

Paperback $22.95   + $10.15 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.60 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
Since the beginning of time, spiritual cults have been the crux from which all modern religions were born. But when two young orphans tapped into the powers of the oldest cult in history, an entire town suffered from their actions. Now, 35 years later, the lone survivor of an unspeakable tragedy must return to the scorched town of his youth to settle some old scores. Will Calvin Tanner successfully put his old demons to rest, or will he pass on the Hell of his childhood to a new group of young thrill seekers?


Related Title
  • Final Solution by Jason Michael Hiaeshutter
    Jodell’s clandestine past throws her family into a sinister plot.


About the Author
Jason Michael Hiaeshutter Jason Hiaeshutter is a veteran of the US Air Force and former police officer. He started Matchstick Entertainment to create a network for self-published authors and artists to showcase their work in one open forum.
Jason is also the author of Final Solution.



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