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Forgotten by Kent White


by Kent White

270 pages
Forgotten is the story of the search for a POW/MIA.

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Category: Fiction:Adventure
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About the Book
After twenty-seven years in the U.S. Army's Special Forces Green Berets, three tours in Vietnam during the war, deployments in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Iraq during the Gulf War, Master Sergeant Steve McShane is ready to retire. With only two months left in the army, he is contemplating life after the military. But then, suddenly, his plans are put on hold.

During a top-secret briefing, he learns a Special Forces soldier who vanished more than two decades ago in the dank jungles of Laos during the Vietnam War may still be alive. Through photographic intelligence and live sighting reports, the man is believed to be an MIA, former SOG recon leader, and friend of McShane: Staff Sergeant Kevin Slade.

MSG McShane and his twelve-man A-Team are assigned the perilous mission of uncovering the truth about the live sightings. They are to penetrate deep into the mountainous region along the border between Burma and Thailand and investigate the reports. If the reports prove to be factual, McShane and his team are to track down Slade and return him to the U.S.

Fraught with unknown dangers, Mcshane and his team pit their courage and strength against an unfamiliar and brutal enemy they never imagined existed.


It is no surprise that Kent White weaves a tight tale of military suspense and intrigue: he writes what he knows. FORGOTTEN is written with passion and sharp observation, but it’s more than a good story. It’s an important one with big and worthy goals: to keep alive the stories and legacies of a group of men who deserved to be remembered.
- Tim Keown, four time New York Times best-selling author and co-writer of Hunting The Jackal with Billy Waugh


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  • PRAIRIE FIRE by Kent White
    Prairie Fire chronicles the exploits of a covert SOG team.
  • LONGSHADOWS by Kent White
    Set in the dank, nearly impenetrable jungles of southeastern Laos during the Vietnam War, Longshadows is the riveting story of a top-secret Studies & Observation Group, or SOG, reconnaissance team sent on a daring mission into Laos to discover a dangerous truth that lies behind enemy lines.


About the Author
Kent White joined the army after his second year of college. After Airborne and Special Forces training, he was assigned to a top-secret Studies and Observation Group, or SOG, unit in Vietnam's Central Highlands. Recipient of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with "V", he now lives in California.



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