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Your Future Is Stuck in Your Past by Mike Monahan

Your Future Is Stuck in Your Past

by Mike Monahan

160 pages
Identify and remove blocks in life to improve your results.

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Category: Self Help:Success
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About the Book
Is your future stuck in your past? You may be surprised!

Imagine you found a map to improve your results. Would you be excited? Just like the GPS device in your car, maybe it’s time to “Recalculate.”

Your Future Is Stuck in Your Past helps you identify and remove the blocks in your life so you can better succeed. Once you identify what’s driving your choices—and you take new action—you can expect to see improved results.

Imagine your life has a map—a blueprint—that determines your actions and direction. According to author Mike Monahan, your Life Blueprint reveals your current results. You’re getting what you believe you deserve.

Consider this: You already are successful in everything you’re doing right now. Your real “success” may be hidden and just might not be what you say you want!

This book explains the concept of your Life Blueprint and explores the four steps to changing your Life Blueprint so you can improve your results:

1. Know what you want.
2. Believe you can have what you want.
3. Communicate what you want to others.
4. Take action in the direction of what you want.

Are you ready to recalculate and set a new direction? Are you ready to get what you really want in life?


Related Titles
  • Occupy Your Future by Mike Monahan
    Take charge of your life, including prosperity, relationships, career, health.
  • Seven Simple Truths by Mike Monahan
    View life from a different perspective and find happiness.
  • From The Jungle To The Boardroom by Mike Monahan
    This book is about leadership and decision-making. In From The Jungle To The Boardroom, author Mike Monahan, focuses on the lessons he learned in the jungles of Vietnam and in leading as CEO of Life Success Seminars, a Cincinnati based nonprofit organization that provided personal and business leadership development.


About the Author
Mike Monahan Thousands of people have worked with Mike Monahan during the last 20+ years to identify simple solutions to their challenges. Mike shares his results-oriented expertise through coaching, speaking and writing. He is the author of From the Jungle to the Boardroom, a #1 Inc. magazine bestseller, and Occupy Your Future.



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