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VICTOR: The Reloaded Edition - Shadows of Sunlight City #1 by Tony Ross

VICTOR: The Reloaded Edition - Shadows of Sunlight City #1

by Tony Ross

270 pages
A Christian thriller set in a frighteningly possible near-future.

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Category: Fiction:Spiritual
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About the Book
WINNER: SILVER MEDAL in the Readers Favorite 2013 International Award Contest

Victor: The Reloaded Edition is a fast-paced and thought-provoking thriller, set in a disturbing near-future that is far more possible than one might think.

In Sunlight City anything is possible... literally. One overriding law governs everything: "give the people what they want." All things are legal, all lifestyles welcomed and all belief systems embraced. While the citizens of Sunlight City celebrate their unrestricted freedom, darker things also flourish.

In this city of opportunity, Mona Macheski is running for her life. Her stunning scientific breakthrough has been corrupted by Josef, her former employer; what once promised to redefine human life now threatens to unleash hell on Earth. The critical information Mona holds is the only thing standing in Josef's way, and he will kill to reclaim what is his.

Mona's only hope of survival lies in unlocking the mind of Victor, the assassin pursuing her. Victor is a gifted killer, but the success or failure of his mission depends on his ability to hold together his steadily fraying sanity.

Mona's only ally is David, a streetwise and energetic detective thrust into the role of protector; he is Mona's only defense against a killer he cannot hope to defeat.

The scientist. The assassin. The detective. The choices of these three people will influence the future of our world.

All three are bound by the darkest of secrets. Only the truth will set them free.

Victor: The Reloaded Edition is a powerful story of choice and consequence, love and conflict, sacrifice and redemption. It will make you question the choices we make, the future of our world... and the fate of your eternal soul.


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About the Author
Tony Ross Tony Ross writes what he defines as "thrillers for thinkers," action-packed novels with deep spiritual meaning. He has been part of the ministry team at Calvary Apostolic Church in Clintonville, WI since 2004. He is happily married and had five children.



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