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Winter Lake by Craig Hansen

Winter Lake

by Craig Hansen

328 pages
A clever and funny novel of music, adventure, and self-discovery.

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Category: Fiction:Literary
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About the Book
Winter Lake continues the story of Jason Audley, introduced in the novel The Skeleton Train. It is now seven years later and Jason is still a seeker, someone who wanders in and out of the mainstream, trying to find his place. Although these years have brought him losses, he’s kept his wry humor, and looks for the best in others while expecting the worst for himself. Hoping to work on a tree farm, he ends up as a drummer in the Chess Chalmers Band. Each summer, Chess and his band wander a circuit of bars, casinos, resorts, and strip clubs in northern Wisconsin, playing anywhere they can. Jason wanders with them, meeting the eccentrics, misfits, and just plain regular people of the north woods. His journey eventually takes him to Winter Lake and adventure, where his aimlessness doesn’t work, where others grow to depend on him, and where he finds that he must confront his past in order to reveal his future.


Related Titles
  • The Skeleton Train by Craig J. Hansen
    Adventurous alienated youth rides freight trains to find missing girl
  • The Morning Door by Craig Hansen
    This book continues the misadventures of Jason Audley, now a professor.


About the Author
Craig J. Hansen is a professor at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has published short stories and a variety of academic works. He lives with his wife in Stillwater, Minnesota. This is his second novel.



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