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WINNER - BOOK TWO: The Sundering Veil by Marc Bolda

WINNER - BOOK TWO: The Sundering Veil

by Marc Bolda

272 pages
Dive deeper - into an ocean of dreams...

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Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
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About the Book
The adventure continues, with book two of the amazing Winner trilogy, The Sundering Veil, in which our intrepid heroes encounter death, mystery and mayhem, not only in our world, but also the captivating mirror universe planet of Tärfarin.

Here, Martin meets Victoria's soul double and the sinister Oracle of Mellärn, who will confront him with a dreadful choice… Meanwhile, the evilly possessed Gidfel discovers new secrets that will draw all to their final destiny beneath the frozen wastes of Antarctica – to be concluded in book three.

Throughout, we learn of how the guardians of the Universe have fought a multi-dimensional eternal war against the most ancient of evils, a horror so profound it will consume all of existence unless Martin alone can stop it.

Parallel worlds, demon possession, eldritch secrets and a haunting choice so terrible that it cannot be made - it's all in there, in tight humorous prose, words that will sweep you away to a journey beyond imaging...

The final volume, The Last Knell of Tarumus, to be released soon!


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About the Author
Marc has long held an interest in science fiction and fantasy. The Winner trilogy is the product of years of research and dedicated writing. When not pursuing the creative arts, Marc supports his writing habit through a professional career and is a worldwide traveller and explorer of culture and environment...



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