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MYSTORIA: Land of the Immortals by Andrew Neighbors

MYSTORIA: Land of the Immortals

by Andrew Neighbors

130 pages
Vampires, werewolves, wizards, and witches wage war in ancient Mystoria.

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Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
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About the Book
The vampire warrior Michael and the beautiful witch Jasmine are thrown into a violent war against the werewolves in the ancient world of Mystoria. They battle powerful immortals and mystical creatures on their path to discovering the truth and staying alive against insurmountable odds. Betrayal, revenge, and deceit collide with love, friendship, and loyalty on a magical journey through Mystoria, land of the immortals.


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About the Author
Andrew Neighbors Andrew Neighbors has become known as the Renaissance man. His main job is being a world geography teacher, but he has also written two screenplays, traveled to eight foreign countries, produced and directed an independent film, and now has written his first novel. Andrew lives in Texas with his wife and three children.



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