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by Mark LaFlamme

325 pages
An alcoholic sees dead people when he sobers up.

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Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
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About the Book
Stephen Boone has a problem. If he doesn't stop drinking, he will die. But for this washed-up writer, putting down the bottle is not so simple. Along with the sweats and shakes of alcohol withdrawal, Stephen Boone sees dead people – ghastly images of the future where men, women and children are about to die horribly.

They appear at his sick bed, these victims of disease, misadventure and murder. Old women with twisted necks, infants dying in their cribs, anonymous people swinging at the end of ropes.

Stephen Boone is a man who knows too much. In the delirium of alcohol, a woman and child have come to him, the victims of a fiendish act. Stephen sees them, feels their agony, understands the horrific details of their deaths. And that secret knowledge has made him a suspect in the killings that have rattled this small Maine city. To prove his innocence, Stephen will have to put the booze down for good and face the grisly specters of sobriety.

Where The Sixth Sense meets The Lost Weekend come the horrors of Delirium Tremens. Maine author Mark LaFlamme presents a world where alcoholism is literally hell.


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About the Author
Mark LaFlamme is an award-winning columnist at the Sun Journal in Lewiston, Maine and the author of several novels. Find out more at



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