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WEST ALONG THE RIVER: Stories from the Connecticut River Valley and Elsewhere by David Brule

WEST ALONG THE RIVER: Stories from the Connecticut River Valley and Elsewhere

by David Brule

232 pages
Lyrical essays on nature and village life; travels in Europe

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction
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About the Book
This book is a compilation of essays and stories centered on nature and life in several villages in the Connecticut River Valley and beyond.

The author connects events and village characters down through the years to create a unique sense of place.Summers working in the tobacco fields, frustrations of Red Sox baseball, oddities of village nicknames, old soldiers from the wars, Native American presence in the Valley, travel adventures in Ireland, Brittany and France are part of this original collection of tales.

Lyrical nature writing, comical encounters, tender remembrance link the past and present throughout.These stories help record the oral history of a corner of New England culture.


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About the Author
David Brule The author is a teacher, linguist, and time-traveler. Returning to his native valley to settle in his great-grandfather's house after Peace Corps years in North Africa and study in France, he lives and works in his ancestral home, savoring the links between nature, local oral history and life in the present.



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