Skye Blue & the Dream Catcher Ghost
by Susan Martinez
182 pages
Skye Maxwell starts to have paranormal experiences after receiving a dream catcher as a gift: It suddenly begins to spin, glow in the dark, and talk! With the help of young ghost hunters, Skye helps a spirit attached to the dream catcher move on to the Other Side.
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About the Book
When the book begins, Skye is twelve and starting karate lessons. At the martial arts school, she meets Rain Antonius, a thirteen-year-old black belt who has psychic abilities (E.S.P.) and a passion for ghost hunting.
After receiving a beautiful dream catcher as a gift from her grandmother, Skye begins to have some very weird experiences. The dream catcher suddenly begins to spin, glow in the dark, and talk! Skye freaks out; seriously afraid she’s being haunted.
Using ghost-hunting equipment, Rain and his Young American Paranormal Society (Y.A.P.S.) members investigate, and determine that the ghost of a young Native American girl is attached to the dream catcher. You won’t believe what lengths Rain and Skye must go through to rescue this spirit and help her move over to the Other Side.
Hope you enjoy Skye’s mystical adventure with things that go BUMP in the night. BOO!
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About the Author |
Susan Martinez is the author of seven books, a press agent, a certified hypnotherapist, and a 2nd degree black belt in American Tae Kwon Do. She earned her first degree in 1991. She is the founder of Black Belt Do-Gooders (Just a bunch of black belts doing a few good deeds!). She continues to train and teach at Out On A Limb Martial Arts in St. Paul, MN. There are three living generations of martial artists in Susan’s family: Two of her children are black belts, and her five-year-old granddaughter is a purple belt. |