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400 Days - A Call To Duty  Volume 1 by Mitchell Waite

400 Days - A Call To Duty Volume 1

by Mitchell Waite

458 pages
A documentary of a citzen-soldier's experience during the Iraq War.

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Category: Military
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About the Book
This book is a documentary of duty and sacrifice for LTC Waite, his family, and his fire department. It is a story of a citizen-soldier that LTC Waite wants to share with the American people so they can better appreciate the sacrifices that our brave men and women in uniform must go through in times of war.

This book is not written in military or politico-speak. It is written so anyone, even if you have never been in the military, can easily read it and better understand the sacrifices our troops must go through in periods of war.

In March 2008, four months after marrying his wife Shari, LTC Waite was notified that he was to be deployed to Iraq for a period of 400 days. After several months of preparation for this mission, LTC Waite deployed to Iraq in December 2008.

LTC Waite understands that the American media only provides slivers of information concerning the war, most of it negatively slanted. LTC Waite wants to share the many good news stories from the war zone and the incredible sacrifices of our American troops and our allies.

This book is not intended to be a political statement of any sort, yet politics will be discussed frequently.

This book is not intended to berate the military, but rather, identify the overwhelming challenges our military currently faces.

This book is intended to inform the American people of the many sacrifices that soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and coast guardsmen must endure in times of war.

This book is intended to fill in the many gaps for citizens that the American media fails to report on, including some of the good news!

This book is intended to identify the sacrifice of both active duty military members and reserve citizen-soldiers, and the families they leave behind.

This book is certain to make you laugh, while other sections will make you cry. Most of all, LTC Waite hopes it makes you think.

If you have a loved one in the military, or know of anyone from your community who has gone to war, you are certain to learn something about war as seen through the eyes of a citizen-soldier.

Whether you believe in the wars the United States is currently engaged in or not, this book is intended to honor all who have given something toward this war effort, but especially those that have given all.

Part of the proceeds from sales of this book will go to assist our returning warriors through the Wounded Warrior Project.


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About the Author
LTC Waite served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2008-2009. LTC Waite has served in the military for over 35 years. Dr. Waite received his Ph.D. from Walden University and his specialized area of expertise is in Leadership and Organizational Change. Dr. Waite is the Fire Chief in Wisconsin Rapids (WI).



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