The EMS Leadership Challenge - A Call To Action
by Mitchell Waite
202 pages
A must read for all current and aspiring EMS leaders.
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About the Book
Dr. Waite's book is a must read for all current and aspiring emergency medical services leaders.
Dr. Waite's educational and experiential base of knowledge from the fire service, EMS, and the military provide him with a unique perspective on the topic of leadership.
Dr. Waite's book provides insight into the finer points of leadership and how these lessons and practices may be applied to the field of EMS.
Dr. Waite begins with a foundational layer on the topic of leadership and then launches into effective practices in creating organizational change, developing leaders, and increasing EMS efficiency.
Dr. Waite also highlights leading-edge EMS concepts that assist in recruiting and retention practices of EMS organizations.
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About the Author |
Dr. Waite earned his doctorate degree from Walden University in Applied Management and Decision Sciences with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. Dr. Waite has over 25 years experience in the fire service and EMS, and over 34 years of leadership experience in the US military. |