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LOVE, LAUGHTER & MAYHEM: Caregiver Survival Manual For Living With A Person With Dementia by Cindy Keith, RN, BS, CDP

LOVE, LAUGHTER & MAYHEM: Caregiver Survival Manual For Living With A Person With Dementia

by Cindy Keith, RN, BS, CDP

292 pages
Alzheimer's or other dementias family caregiver resource for information

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About the Book
This book is a collection of stories about people with dementia the author has known, loved, and worked with in her many years as a nurse. Every story has a lesson to teach, and this book teaches family caregivers lessons about how to better interact with their loved one. Some stories, such as “I Just Say What’s On My Mind,” will make you laugh out loud. The story, Old Glory will bring tears to your eyes just as it did with the author when it happened. These stories, taken from real life situations, will take you by the hand and lead you through the often chaotic journey of caregiving. New or different ways to interact with your loved one within their current reality will become apparent, and you will wish you had known all of this information long ago. You will see the importance of attending to your own needs so your life, and theirs, will contain more happiness, good health, safety and dignity as you learn from the experiences contained in this book. You will capture the love and laughter, as well as manage the mayhem you might encounter with your loved one with dementia.


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About the Author
Cindy Keith, RN, BS, CDP Cindy's dementia consulting business, M.I.N.D. in Memory Care (Moving In Nurturing Directions In Memory Care) helps families nationwide who struggle with a loved one with some form of dementia. She also trains staff in facilities, and is a favorite speaker at conferences and other venues nationwide.



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