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Write Winger: Solutions for the Politically Oblique by Phillip J Hubbell

Write Winger: Solutions for the Politically Oblique

by Phillip J Hubbell

332 pages
Writewing politics and commentary smashing through the barriers of correctness political or otherwise. Not a book for tragically guilt ridden.

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About the Book

Write Winger was written and submitted without apology or regret from a point of view which I believe to be widespread in this country. It is a book that is political, social, religious, irreverent, profound, profane, witty, and clever. I take a critical look at the icons of popular culture and prod them as needed, sometimes with a gentle poke of a finger, and sometimes with the necessary force of a sledgehammer.

Write Winger is a work of non-fiction presented from a rational point of view. The writing style comes from a flurry of op-ed pieces written for a group of small suburban newspapers in the early 90s. I had become a new father and started looking at the world from a different perspective. This book is for the regular people, the ?normal? people, who, quite frankly, are tired of their point of view, their values and their concerns being dismissed as extremist or hate filled. It is the intolerant who seek to silence my point of view.

The actual writing has been the easy part as I am quite passionate about all the subjects covered here. Each chapter stands alone as an independent essay but the writing style and consistent reasoned viewpoint holds the work together. Writing a conservative column or book in this country is often met with suspicion and sometimes outright hostility. Well this book punches back. I don?t believe in turning the political cheek in order to be politically correct or cowed by the social elite who seek to close off debate by calling anyone with a differing opinion from their own orthodoxy as a racist, fascist, hater, etc? This book stands toe to toe with the social nannies and gently hammers them back into their place.

Write Winger is the voice of the disaffected millions who work for a living, pay the taxes, and find themselves having to hide what they truly think because they have been pounded incessantly by a slanted media into believing that there is only one correct way to think about things.


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About the Author
Phillip J Hubbell Born in 55, coming of age in 75, Phillip J Hubbell has watched America decline both morally and intellectually even as it has grown economically. A husband and father, Phillip sees the world through eyes focused what will be left to his children. He doesn?t like what he sees.



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