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Jake the Beer-Belly Kitty or SUPERCAT: Book 3 - Clan of Warriors by Deborah Midkiff

Jake the Beer-Belly Kitty or SUPERCAT: Book 3 - Clan of Warriors

by Deborah Midkiff

288 pages
Science fiction story about creating an army of cat creatures.

Paperback $17.95   + $9.37 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.40 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Adventure
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book

This is the third of a series in the on-going saga in the adventures of Beer-Belly Kitty. This Special Ops trained cat-creature has his hands full in training and leading his own unique kitties as well as teaching his family how to live and flourish in a human's world.

In this episode, they make shocking discoveries in Crater Lake and Yellowstone National Park. It is evident that the underworld has expedited work in their secret laboratories.

The SUPERCAT FAN CLUB is growing by leaps and bounds in many cities across the nation and the world. The CLAN OF WARRIORS learns of their purpose and meets their leader, Jake. While the fearsome Savage, Incorrigible, Cat-Creature (SICC) makes his mark!

This is a wholesome, entertaining story and an excellent addition to any family's literary library.


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About the Author
Deborah Midkiff Very independent and hard working, the author always puts in as much time and effort that is necessary to accomplish any goal she sets out to achieve. In addition to being the first woman hired as railroad machinist after WWII, she has also found the time to raise two children.



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