Margate's Gnomes
by Sally Forrester
60 pages
Grandpa 42's gnome family lived in mountain caves.Melting snow forced them to find new homes with the woodland fairies.Forest fire forced yet another escape on a magic carpet to Margate. More adventures followed and gainful employment.
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Category: Fiction:Juvenile
About the Book
Global warming and changing weather patterns are here. Beautiful Mother Earth is polluted and troubled! Flooding forces Grandpa 42 and his gnome family to leave their beloved mountain home. The gnomes make a new home with the woodland fairies but terrible forest fires force them to flee yet again. Eventually a magic lady from distant Margate saves the day and sends her magic carpet and her rainbow birds to rescue Grandpa 42 and his family.
The gnomes make a new home in the lovely seaside town of Margate. They live in the chalk caves and become a familiar sight around the town. However, after a while they discover that all is not so bright, shiny and jolly after all. Sadly, Margate has a major rubbish problem! The gnomes are keen to help and rolling up their sleeves they get to work to put things right. They help to tell all the grown-ups and all the children to look after precious Mother Earth and to do the right thing.
“Rubbish goes in the bin, buy less plastic and recycle!”
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About the Author |
Growing up in the seaside town of Margate and currently living in the USA Sally is always drawn back to her roots. Graduating from teacher training college, she has worked as a teacher, artist and in recent years as a health and wellness coach. Environmental concerns are a particular passion! |