Come Walk with Me: Messages from Yeshua
by Jeri Castronova, PhD
270 pages
Untold true stories of Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, that were deleted by the patriarchy. Channeled messages about the lives of Yeshua and the apostles, the marriage of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and travels after the resurrection.
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About the Book
This is not a religious book. These stories came before religion. These are the stories the patriarchy deleted, the truth of Yeshua’s life that have never been told, until Now.
Yeshua could not have become the Divine Masculine Christ without his Divine Feminine counterpart. This book is for those who thirst for more about the true teachings, healings, miracles, travels to Tibet, India, Glastonbury, Egypt, Turkey, France, and marriage to his Beloved Mary Magdalene.
Many Christians believe all they have to do is believe in Yeshua without doing anything else—no kindness to others or to animals, no helping the poor, no generosity to the sick. Yeshua emphasized serving others and doing inner work by living his teachings through the loving vibration of his words.
Many have given up on Yeshua and turned to new gods—money, technology, science, and control. They don’t realize they have insulted not only themselves, but God. They willingly submit to mass hypnosis which keeps them under the spell of evil leaders who claim their souls and keep them subservient to satanic forces.
In past life regressions many years ago, the Author saw herself as an apostle who was close to Yeshua. She never told anyone about this life or other lifetimes, but they opened up new vistas in her current life that brought realization of new talents that could be reawakened.
And so began memories of her life as the Apostle John, not the Baptist, rather the one known as John the Beloved. Yeshua said many of her memories would be in the book as personal experiences and eye-witness accounts to healings, miracles, travels, and quiet moments of contemplation with the followers.
Yeshua Today: The Romans didn’t want people to worship a God, Goddess, or anyone else except them. So it was then, and so it is now. They were the reptilians, the dracos, and the cabal. They later became the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, the communists, and the socialists in your countries. They are the same as they were when I walked with you in those days.
It has taken two thousand years for people to wake up to the slavery they live under. You incarnated now to clear the earth of these evil ones and deliver Gaia to her peaceful, loving Beauty she deserves.
A Message from Mary Magdalene: I have had so many lifetimes, always returning in forms to serve the Mother and to be a physical embodiment of love, of beauty, so being the Oracle at Delphi was my role appropriate to that time, when the seeker, shall we say, of which you were one, believed that they had to find one who had the wisdom, insight, the vision to guide them but the important part of this is the advancement of what we would call human and spiritual evolution that they have moved so far beyond this.
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers: None of you have come to the planet at this time to be hidden away, whether it is a temple, a cave or social isolation. You have not come to live that way. So what I say to you which is what I have said always – STEP FORWARD AND DECLARE YOUR FREEDOM and it is too DARN BAD if those who are nervous or insular do not like what you have to say.
IT IS TIME TO BE HEARD! It is time for your voice to ring out! It is the vibration that courses through the words. The vibration of love and yes the vibration of truth as well.
And there are many upon the planet even now who are experiencing the fulfillment of what they have been told long ago in Delphi.
This is the generation that is seeing Revelation come to fruition. Yeshua calls to You who feel lost, controlled, or beaten down by life. He tells You to not lose Hope. His Love is around You, sustained by the Holy Breath of God.
Amazing book! Cleared up many questions I've had over the years that no one has answered. Will read it again and again. With so much love and wisdom from the Masters we all can believe in.
- Richard Adams, Educator
The truth is always a shock. I believed the lies of the church, the deliberate omissions of Mary Magdalene and the women who walked with him. Should be read by Christians, Jews, Everyone.
- Janice Petrilla
Everyone has a connection to Yeshua in some way. I felt I was with him and his apostles listening to his teachings. My most empowering moments were with the women and their deep love and devotion to Yeshua. These truths have been hidden far too long. I'm very grateful for this book.
- Teri Ann, Psychic Reader
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About the Author |
Dr. Jeri Castronova, Spiritual Psychologist, Award-winning Author, Artist, Healer, and World Traveler, has over 30 years’ experience in the healing arts. Her channeled messages from Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, St. Germain, Isis, and the Ascended Masters bring guidance and love to awaken the Divine Feminine aspect of Creative Source. This is her 10th book. |