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A New Paradigm for Belief in God: The Theory of Everything by Charles H. Huettner

A New Paradigm for Belief in God: The Theory of Everything

by Charles H. Huettner

30 pages
A new paradigm for belief in God based on His reason for creating the universe. It has been developed from the integration of Bible text, insights from the Holy Spirit, and what has been learned from science. The result is "The Theory of Everything".

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About the Book
God first touched me when I was 15 years old. I was walking home from a high school wrestling practice in the dead of a Pittsburgh winter when I uttered a simple prayer under my breath. “Dear God, it sure is cold.” At that moment I felt a wave of heat come over me starting from my toes traveling to the tip of my head. I was invigorated. I knew that God had answered my prayer. I ran home, burst into the kitchen where my mother was cooking dinner and announced “I am going to be a minister”. It has been quite an adventure from that night to today.

The Holy Spirit has been very active in my life and opened my mind to numerous revelations since that cold day; revelations that are not part of any church doctrine. He has given me insight into the Book of Revelation, into how God speaks to us, and how He forms a personal relationship with each of us. Now God has given me the understanding of who we really are and His purpose for creating us and His Universe.

In this book I am discussing God, not religion or the Church. I am addressing issues that transcend religions and religious communities.

This book lays out a new paradigm for a belief in God and provides answers to the questions that have puzzled people for thousands of years including; who are we, and what Is our purpose? This book also connects God and science to propose an answer to “The Theory of Everything” that scientists have been searching for since Einstein’s discoveries.

I offer "Big Picture" concepts derived from the Bible and insights from the Holy Spirit that explain God’s plan for creating the universe. These concepts combine Quantum Mechanics, Relativity Theory, and the three spirits that God gives us. Together, they present an answer to mankind’s basic questions and a new paradigm for belief in God.


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About the Author
Mr. Huettner was a jet pilot, USAF Colonel, Senior Executive at FAA & NASA, and aviation advisor in the White House on 9/11. He has a BS degree from the University of Akron, a Master’s Degree from Harvard, and a Diploma in Theological Studies from the Virginia Theological Seminary.



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